Are you feeling stuck in your health journey? Overwhelmed by all the fad diets, options and opinions? Frustrated by the lack of results showing up in your life?

Looking for clarity around food, a healthy lifestyle and your body? Sick of wondering if "you're doing it right?"

Giving up on the complex meal plans, fitness programs and diets that are thrown at you daily?

Need someone to make things simple? To show you the way? To prove to you that, YES, you can do it too?

Feeling burnt out from doing diet after diet with nothing to show for it?

Tired of re-living the same story around food and your lifestyle over again?

Looking for the "hidden" strategies that Health "Gurus" know, but for some reason you don't?

Ready to bust through the plateau, ditch diets and start to LIVEit?
Entries close: 27 August 2021
Course starts: 30 August 2021
When you begin to LiveIt, that kind of life is possible
“I would highly recommend this course to anyone that is looking to improve their overall health and quality of life.”
- Chandré Davids
Just a few years ago, I found myself at an unhealthy weight, hating my body, working out every day, never having energy and completely lost in diet culture.
I was unhappy, unhealthy and going from diet to diet wondering when would be the moment when I would finally GET IT. When the switch would flip and I’d finally get the body and health I was searching for.
I had food intolerances, a skin disease, disordered eating, a sugar addiction and an obsession to be thin. I was hopeless to be honest.
By this point, I had been dieting since the age of 9, trying to find "the one" that would allow me to enjoy food, be a healthy weight and enjoy life. I had read so many diet books, followed every fad in the magazines and really drained my body and mind when it came to food.
I was confused and overwhelmed. And tired of diets.
I “KNEW” what to eat and how to live, but I didn’t “DO” it for some or other reason on a consistent basis! And I’m certain that maybe you can relate to this as well.
I realized that the way that I was going about my eating habits and lifestyle was always tied to the NEGATIVE, and so even if I gave it 100%, it would never last.
Even the word shows it DIE-t. I didn't want any part of my life to DIE, I wanted to LIVE, THRIVE, AND BE FREE!!
If you’re on this page right now, I know you feel that way too. You’re hungry for WAY more than you’re currently experiencing when it comes to food, wellness, your health and your body.
You’re ready to stop the DIE-ts and start to LIVEit.
And now you’ve been led to this very page.
So what REALLY changed for me?
How did I become the healthiest I've ever been? How did I find food freedom? What was the switch that flipped that actually made it last for more than 4 years now with no diets, no restrictions, no more binging and no punishing my body?
The answer? I simplified everything
I demystified food and a healthy lifestyle.
I learned how to tune into my body and my needs
I went back to the basics of food, wellness and healthy living.
And most importantly, I actually IMPLEMENTED it.
If I could do it, it means that you can too. And yes, you might be rolling your eyes right now. But unlike other "diet programs"….. I really mean it.
I'm just your average girl who was sick and tired of being obsessed with food, hating my body, never having energy and always being on a diet.

About The Program & Why You Need It
The LIVEit online group program is a 6-week program taught exclusively by Melissa Lainn, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and host of the LifeKraft Podcast. She has helped many people across the globe to find food freedom, understand food, what works for their bodies and how to begin to think and act to make sure that it becomes who they are, not just what they do. Being an Integrative Nutrition Coach, Melissa follows the principles of IIN that integrate all the main components of your life to create holistic health in your body, mind and soul.
Rather than throwing a ton of meaningless material at you, Melissa teaches you ONLY what you need to know to implement ASAP. It’s simple, easy-to-digest, and taught using modern-day language. This is the only program that you will ever need when it comes to ditching diets and creating lasting health in your body and mind.
Each module of the program is pre-recorded or comes in email format and is accessed via a student-only portal every week, for 6 weeks. Each week there is a Q&A Coaching Call that is done live-stream style with the group once per week with Melissa. There will be a Coaching theme to each call and you’ll be able to get your food, disordered eating, habit formations, etc questions answered as they arise throughout the program. The recordings will be available for replay to members of the program. You'll be able to download, save, or print all of the module information as well as all of the bonuses that are revealed on this page.
I have so much more energy! And my sleeping has improved. My frequent sinus problems have not flared up in about 4 weeks, which is great! My skin is more clear with little to no redness. I honestly feel so much healthier than I did six weeks ago."
- Chandré Davids
I'm feeling more positive and all the tips and tricks and eating right has definitely enhanced my moods."
- Tanya Robertson

Ready to ditch diets once and for all and actually LiveIt?
Here is the BLUEPRINT to your LIVEIT program:
Week 1: Let's Prepare
We will look at how to prepare your mindset, your friends and family, yourself and more for lasting changes when it comes to food and lifestyle.
We will also look at preparing your pantry and tips on how to prep healthy, nutritious food for the busy lives we live.
Week 2: Nourishing Detox
We will look at Detoxing, toxins that accumulate in the body and how to nourish your body to help it with its natural detox process.
We will also do a 7 day Nourishing detox with a meal guide, recipes and shopping list.
Week 3: Food, Glorious Food!
We will look at the food your body needs, the biggest food lie, how to read ingredient lists, superfoods and how to spot 'health halos' so that you make the best food choices for you and your body.
We will also provide whole food recipes, a shopping list and some food and drink inspiration.
Week 4: When Food isn't just about Food
We will look at disordered eating, how it gets formed, what are some causes as well as action steps to take to break free from the crazy "binge-guilt" cycle.
We will learn about triggers, take some time to do inner work and learn how nourishment, instead of punishment, helps your body calm down and let go of the need to use food as more than just food.
Week 5: Life Gets In The Way
We will look at the lifestyle choices that could be making a healthy, happy life more difficult, how to stop them and how to change those you can.
We will look at stress, lack of sleep, daily routines, movement, environment and more.
Week 6: Make It Last
We will look at the 66-day protocol to make a new habit or lifestyle choice last, how to use your mind to help you cement this new life and more.
We will learn about how the brain forms habits, what makes people fall back into old patterns and how you can prevent that, and more.
Added Bonus Lessons
How to create an unstoppable mindset so you never have to 'start again' when it comes to a healthy lifestyle
The power of EFT Tapping & how to use it for the binge/guilt cycle
Strengthening and supporting your Immune system all year round
Ayurvedic principles for modern day health - understanding your Dosha type, living in balance with your body's energy
Feminine energy and how it helps heal trauma and creates health

There are also Massive Bonuses
Weekly live 60 min Coaching Sessions
2 x Downloadable Meditations (one for Stress, the other a Visualization Meditation)
1 x Downloadable Breathwork Session
1 x RTT Therapy downloadable audio
Seasonal Eating Shopping list
Ayurvedic practices for a healthy body
Journal prompts and Weekly Affirmations to use
Discounts on some of Melissa's favorite brands as well as a private link page to her favorite products
A list of Melissa's favorite books to invest in to continue your health journey
Bonus features from some of Melissa's friends and inspirations in the health and wellness industry.
And so much more - Surprise bonuses!
VIP Coaching Option Available
Limited to only 5 lucky people!
Wanna get coached 1:1 by Melissa during the 6 weeks to take your journey even further? For the first time ever, you can receive weekly 1:1 Coaching during the 6-week group program and receive laser-focused coaching on the very topics we discuss inside the LIVEit program.
Application must be submitted via email to be considered. Details will be provided once enrolled.
Who is Melissa & How Can She Help Me?

I’m so excited to share a course that’s been on my heart for many years.
I’ve been passionate about Coaching people just like you to live a life where they can enjoy food, accept their bodies and use their health as the foundation to build the life of their dreams. Your wealth is your greatest wealth, and once I invested time, energy, resources and trust in my health, my whole world started opening up. I made it my mission to teach people how to ditch diets, how to create holistic health and how to LIVEit!
LIVEit is the culmination of EVERYTHING that has helped me and the people I have coached to create the healthy and vibrant lives that we live today. If you are looking to ditch diets, find food freedom, learn more about food, overcome binge-eating and anything in between–you’ll find that all inside of the LIVEit program.
I’m a Health Coach, Meditation Practitioner, the Host of the LifeKraft Podcast, and the creator of the exploding holistic health brand – Melissa Lainn Wellness.
If you will trust me, put a little faith in the process, and a whole lot of faith in yourself… your life will never be the same again.
LIVEit is one of those programs your future self will be thanking you for lifetimes to come.
I have certainty that will be the case because of the certainty that I have in my methods and their ability to change the course of health and life forever.
Your time to LiveIt is RIGHT NOW
Melissa xx
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start?
30 August 2021
Are there payment plans available?
Yes, a 3-month payment plan is available
Do you give refunds?
Due to the nature of this course, there are typically no refunds available. However, if you find that after accessing Week 1 that you do not like the course or don’t feel like it’s a great fit for you, we offer a full refund ONLY until 5 September 2021 11:59pm GMT +2.
Keep in mind that by requesting a refund, we REQUIRE that you send us an email to info@melissalainn.com with your COMPLETED Week 1 homework for proof that you at least committed to making the course work for you. We reserve the right to refuse your refund if you do not show us that you accessed and completed Week 1.
Under no circumstances are refunds offered after the cut-off date and time of 5 September 2021 at 11:59pm GMT +2. After that date, you are responsible for making all of your payments on time and in full.
Can you guarantee results?
If you do the work, commit yourself 100%, and follow the processes step-by-step, you will experience more success than you’ve ever thought possible.
But because I can’t guarantee that you’ll do the work, I can’t guarantee that you’ll get results. This is a program where it’s your responsibility to play full-out at 100% and take initiative in your own success, which is great news because if you are the one in charge of your success & your health, then YOU get to choose how far you want to go.
With The LIVEit Online Group Program, you're getting over
R6,000 worth of content
But that’s NOT what your investment in the program is.
The LIVEit Online Group Program is only R1,999 . You are also able to pay over a 3-month period if you want to. That means that you can invest in your health for as little as R22 a day!
“I loved the entire program!
“Trust me, you will have ENERGY if you do everything she says. That was the biggest bonus.
“I learnt SO many things about food and ingredients. I now feel educated in what I put into my body.
Are You Ready To Join
The LIVEit group program?
Hell, Yes!
I'm So Ready To
Ditch Diets and LIVEit!