Are you ready to step into a new era of wellness?
On March 7th, 2023, we'll experience a full moon in Virgo. In holistic wellness, the full moon is viewed as a potent time for deepening our connection to ourselves, nature, and the universe around us. Full moons are known to be a time of release, reflection, and completion. Personally, I have found it very beneficial to work with the lunar cycles, like the full moon, by supporting my holistic well-being with practices like meditation, mindful movement, journaling, and spending time in nature. It's not like I don't do these things on the daily, it's just a great way to really focus in on the higher energy days and by doing so, harnessing the energy of the full moon to revitalize my mind, body, and spirit.
The full moon in Virgo is a time to focus on our health and well-being. Virgo is a sign that is associated with self-care, organization, and attention to detail. It is also a sign that is linked to our physical health and well-being. This full moon is a great opportunity to take an honest look at your wellness, see what is serving you and what isn't, and begin to re-imagine what wellness could look like for you over the next few months. It's a great time to use the energy to create wellness practices that have longevity and become part of your daily routine.
Each rising sign will be affected differently by this full moon, depending on the house the full moon falls in. Here's a short look at how each rising sign could be affected by the full moon in Virgo as well as an affirmation to use to cultivate a positive vibration:
Aries Rising (Full Moon in 6th House)
Aries rising, this full moon could highlight your daily routines and work-life. You could look at decluttering and organizing your workspace to increase your productivity, perhaps setting up a digital detox to stay really focused while at work. It's also a great time to focus on healthy habits, like meditation practice, regular movement, and a nutritious diet.
Affirmation: I am taking care of my body and mind, and I trust my ability to improve my daily habits and routines.
Taurus Rising (Full Moon in 5th House)
Taurus rising, this full moon could highlight your creativity and self-expression leaving you feeling more inspired than usual. It's a great time to focus on your hobbies and passions, and be honest, we don't do that enough now do we? It's also a great time to connect with loved ones and nurture your relationships.
Affirmation: I am creative, and I trust in my ability to express myself authentically and joyfully.
Gemini Rising (Full Moon in 4th House)
Gemini rising, this full moon will shine focus on your home life and family. It's a great time to declutter and organize your living space. You could also be a little more emotional than usual, so why not learn how to recognize and sit with your feelings during this time, to allow them all to move through your body & experience? Inner child healing is a great idea now!
Affirmation: I am at home within myself, and I trust in my ability to create a comfortable and nurturing living space
Cancer Rising (Full Moon in 3rd House)
Cancer rising, this full moon will focus on your communication and self-expression, yay for your throat chakra! It's a great time for creative expression, whether through writing, social media, art, or music. You could also need to have an important conversation with a loved one or set some badass boundaries in your relationships.
Affirmation: I am confident in my communication skills, and I trust in my ability to express myself clearly and effectively.
Leo Rising (Full Moon in 2nd House)
Leo rising, this full moon could shine more light onto your finances and/or self-worth. So why not review your budget, have a money date, or make any necessary changes to your financial world. You could also do a check-in on your self-worth, see where it could be drained or where you could be tying it to something other than your inherent worthiness. Remember, you were born worthy. ( We have amazing finance episodes on the LifeKraft Podcast for you )
Affirmation: I am worthy of abundance, and I trust in my ability to attract financial prosperity into my life.
Virgo Rising (Full Moon in 1st House)
Virgo rising, this full moon could highlight your personal identity and self-expression. No drastic make-overs or at-home bang cutting, but, it's the perfect time to focus on self-care and self-love. You could also benefit from releasing any limiting beliefs or self-doubt that are holding you back. Perhaps through a forgiveness practice that you make time for during the full moon. ( The Vibration Of Love & Our Bodies could be a beneficial read )
Affirmation: I am confident in my identity and my ability to express myself authentically and assertively.
Libra Rising (Full Moon in 12th House)
Libra rising, this full moon could highlight your spiritual growth and inner healing making it a great time to focus on meditation, yoga, deep prayer, or other spiritual practices. Perhaps also take the time to release or become aware of a negative pattern and suppressed emotion that is blocking your growth. Give that ish over to Source and see your life start to flourish!
Affirmation: I trust in the power of my intuition, and I am open to receiving spiritual guidance and insights.
Scorpio Rising (Full Moon in 11th House)
Scorpio rising, this full moon could highlight your social life and your community. It's a wonderful opportunity to connect with friends and loved ones and join groups and communities where you can find your soul tribe (psssst, like the new monthly membership we're launching soon). You may also need to take a look at releasing any toxic relationships or friendships that are no longer serving you or draining your energy ( Your Body Knows Best: How to Tune in and Protect Yourself from Energy Drainers could be a beneficial read).
Affirmation: I am grateful for my friendships and social connections, and I trust in my ability to manifest positive and supportive relationships.
Sagittarius Rising (Full Moon in 10th House)
Sagittarius rising, this full moon could see you focus on your career and public image making it a great time to review your career goals and make any necessary changes. Do you feel that your public image and reputation truly reflect who you are? Perhaps it's time to align more truly with who you are and what you want to bring into this world through your business. ( In The Business of Healing could be a beneficial read ).
Affirmation: I am successful in my career, and I trust in my ability to make meaningful contributions to my profession and my community.
Capricorn Rising (Full Moon in 9th House)
Capricorn rising, this full moon could shine a light on your beliefs and spirituality making it the ideal time to explore new beliefs and practices. You could do simple belief-busting practices by looking at beliefs that aren't serving you or the person you want to become, doing inner child work, or looking at patterns and blocks that you inherited from your environment and childhood and begin to release them. Just make sure to explore new beliefs and ways of thinking that could be beneficial to you, not just uprooting, but also plating new seeds too.
Affirmation: I am open to new perspectives and experiences, and I trust in my ability to learn and grow through my journeys.
Aquarius Rising (Full Moon in 8th House)
Aquarius rising, this full moon could bring more of a focus on your shared resources and intimacy. Perhaps be open to a rebirth in your finances, especially those you share with others, investments, etc. You could also feel drawn to deepening your relationships and strengthening your emotional bonds. Remember, life & death are really two sides to the same thing, embrace them both.
Affirmation: I trust in the abundance of the universe, and I am open to receiving prosperity and support from others.
Pisces Rising (Full Moon in 7th House)
Pisces rising, this full moon will highlight your relationships and partnerships. It's a great time to deeply connect with your partnerships of all kinds, intimate and business. Where have things come to fruition in your current relationships? Would you like this to continue in the future, if not, you may also need to release any toxic relationships or patterns in your relationships. ( A Holistic Take on Healing Relationships could be a beneficial read ).
Affirmation: I am worthy of love and healthy relationships, and I trust in my ability to attract supportive and fulfilling partnerships into my life.
Overall, the full moon in Virgo is a time to focus on our holistic wellness, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It's also a wonderful time to release anything that no longer serves us and focus on positive growth and change. Embrace your inner power and set your wellness & health up for success babe, the energy is on your side!
Here's our March energy & card pull connection IG live replay: