Here you will find past workshop and webinar recordings. Some are free, while others have a small purchase fee attached to them. You must be a member to be able to watch these videos. It is easy to sign up and completely free.
These were all live recordings and therefore some technical issues might be present in some of them, but the content remains watchable and understandable. Please note that all promotional codes and product discount information in these videos are no longer valid. The worksheets mentioned are also not available anymore.

Free Webinar - Breaking Up With Sugar
Dangers of sugar overconsumption
Benefits of breaking up with sugar
Fat Burners vs Sugar Burners
Hidden sugar in food
How to prevent sugar cravings
Time: 1h11min
Price: Free

Virtual Workshop - Managing Stress & Anxiety
Anxiety symptoms
Top stress-fighting nutrients
Foods to avoid
Lifestyle practices to reduce stress
Guided meditation session
Breathwork exercise
Yoga exercise session
and more
Time: 1h57min
Price: R50.00
Virtual Workshop - Creating Abundant Energy Holistically
Anxiety symptoms
Top stress-fighting nutrients
Foods to avoid
Lifestyle practices to reduce stress
Guided meditation session
Breathwork exercise
Yoga exercise session
and more
Time: 1h58min
​Price: R50.00
Virtual Workshop - Holistic Sleep Solutions
Causes of low quality sleep
Working with nature
Discovering your sleep chronotype
The 4 stages of sleep
Breathwork exercise
Setting yourself up to sleep
Foods & supplements to help you sleep better
Yoga exercise session
Time: 2h06min
Price: R50.00